Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Multitude Mondays on a Tuesday.....Blessings for Growth

I was not sure what to write today to share. I then noticed a 'loaf of fresh bread' in my inbox today and it is says everything perfectly!

Encouragement for Today:

"The godly are showered with blessings." ~ Proverbs 10:6 (NLT)

What a wonderful picture: blessings showering down upon you like a steady, gentle spring rain! How aware are you of these blessings, though? Do you make a habit of noticing the "everyday" blessings that God showers upon everyone, such as sunshine and color and the variety of birds and blooms? What about the marvels of modern inventions that we take for granted? Then there are the personalized "showers of blessings" that are just for you: your health, your family, or something from the Word that speaks right into your situation. Today, grow like grass from the showers of God's blessings. —Diane Eble, author of Abundant Gifts: A Daybook of Grace-Filled Devotions

Blessings to help me grow like the tall grass:

21     Beth Moore's book, 'Breaking Free Through Spiritual Strongholds'. She gives many scripture-based prayers to help the believer overcome the negative stronghold in our hearts and minds. Having this on audio book is wonderful!

22     The breeze flowing through the trees.
23     For making anticipated bad days not so bad after all.
24     Stained glass windows in the churches and synagogues, and the stories they tell/represent.
25     Seeing all of my family on a Sunday afternoon for an unplanned gathering.

26     Really neat artistic weather vanes in the city.
27     The many colors all around us to enjoy.
28     Little children that show a stranger kindness.
29     Faith can over come fear and doubt (passed a sign that was on a local Catholic church on my way into work this morning); Need that reminder everyday!

30     An invitation from a woman whom I have never met until now. She invited into her home and offered it for me to use for an Open House to kick start a creative business that I have been thinking about doing for a long time, just not too sure how to really go about things. She got my name via a small community store that we both visit. What is really unique about this, she owns an old schoolhouse. Believe it or not, my husband and I live in an old school too. She also has some other similarities to me, so I thought wow, this is for sure a 'God-insidence'.

Thanks for stopping by! Don't forget to visit others and see more blessings over at Ann's :-)


  1. Thank you for visiting my blog - it was so nice to see a comment there this morning! I hope your husband will find a career that is just perfect for him - and I know how hard it is to wait on God's timing. And I hope that your new venture flies! It is exciting and scary too, I'm sure. God's grace to you this summer day :)

  2. Thanks for stopping by and saying hi. =)

    My little girl was indeed born this week and we're enjoying her!!

    Have a wonderful week!

  3. Colors! Can you imagine a black and white world? Enjoyed reading your list.
