71 Fleecy Blankets
72 Opportunities to begin again and forgive....To be able to participate in the alumni band for the director's final Homecoming game performance. I cannot believe that I accepted this invitation off of Facebook from my cousin. You see, I was in marching band in high school (flag corps), it was not a great experience at all. Tho, I loved that I was doing it, it was the people that made it miserable. My self-esteem back then was not great and when the kids made fun of me, I did not understand and kept telling them to leave me alone. What really got me was, I was older than the kids that were teasing me! The real hitter was when I graduated and was in my 1st year of college, the alumni band did a trip and I decided to go. Big mistake. Those same younger than me kids were putting me down, and I was in college....UGH! Now, I am going back, even if I don't come back in contact with the ones that made my life crappy, but it is to be forgiving and go on where I left off in that point of my life. This is a HUGE step for me.
73 Funky food 'experiments' that actually work out.
74 Girl Scout cookies from the freezer.
75 Uncle's cows in the field grazing.
76 New necklace.
77. Mid-Afternoon snacks.
78 Barbershop harmony music.
79 Post-it notes.
80 Another family reunion attended (now, my husband's side).
81 Fun, kitschy documentaries (Rick Seback's Unusual Buildings & Roadside Attractions)...but also
82 Raw, complex, healing ones too (9-11 Robert DeNiro/Naudet Brothers)
83 First Responders.
84 Old family photos.
85 Impromptu wedding anniversary dinner.
86 A bouquet of roses.
87 A still butterfly, to be able to 'pet' at it's wing.
88 A dress that I never worn in awhile coaxes me to be worn for a night out.
89 The hope of 9-12. When the country came together after a national tragedy.
90 Journaling prompts.